When Christmas arrives many children around the world write a letter asking for presents. In Venezuela gifts are brought by Baby Jesus, here in Spain by the Three Wise Men, and in other places by Papa Nöel, Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas. But the common thing everywhere is that children can ask for half a toy store if we don't guide them through the process.
Desde que David tiene edad para hacer sus peticiones nosotros queremos que se enfoque en lo que consideramos el verdadero sentido de la Navidad: DAR. Adicionalmente, nos pareció necesaria una forma de limitar los regalos que pide, porque (aparte de que no somos millonarios) no queremos que se convierta en un pequeños tirano consumista, de esos que solo quieren cosas costosas y para cuando cumplen 6 años son imposibles de complacer.
Since David started to write his letters, we wanted him to focus in what we consider the true meaning of Christmas: GIVING. Also, we thought it was necessary to limit the number of gifts he asks for because (apart from us not being millionaires) we don't want him to become one of those little consumerism oriented tyrants that only want expensive things and by the age of six are impossible to please.