Today is my birthday ツ
As many of you already know, one of my favorite words is procrastination. This is why this post has been wainting A YEAR to be written. It was exactly one year ago on my birthday that my beloved Toñi handcrafted this precious gift for me.
¿Ya os habéis imaginado lo que es? Exacto: una funda para mi máquina de coser.
¿A que es la más bonita que habéis visto?
Have you guessed what it is? Right: a cover for my sewing machine. Isn't it the prettiest you've ever seen?
Tiene un montón de detalles maravillosos —las ventanas coloniales, los balcones, la planta trepadora, las tejas— y se nota el inmenso cariño con el que fue hecha. En especial quiero que notéis un par de cosas: en primer lugar, los delicados y preciosos llamadores de las puertas...
It has lots of wonderful details —colonial windows, balconies, a vine, roof tiles— and you can tell it was created with love. In particular I want you to note a couple of things: first, those delicate knockers on the doors ...
... y luego esas alucinantes persianas con todo y su mecanismoque hace que suban y bajen enrollándose de verdad ❤
... and then these amazing blinds, with a working engine
that makes them actually roll up and down ❤
that makes them actually roll up and down ❤
Toñi, eres la mejor. Gracias por este regalo único y maravilloso.
Es un privilegio ser tu amiga. Te quiero ❤
Toñi, you're the best. Thank you for this wonderful and truly unique gift.
To be your friend is a privilege. I love you ❤
To be your friend is a privilege. I love you ❤
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